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The 4C criteria of diamond assessment

The 4C of diamond quality being a critical factor in the grading of diamonds was briefly touched upon in an earlier introduction of GIA diamonds and the GIA International Grading Report. However, what are the assessment criteria of these 4 factors? ALUXE can elaborate with greater detail.


The color of diamonds is a key factor that influences price, with clear colorless diamonds fetching higher value.
Based on the GIA grading criteria, graders will compare each diamond to a master stone and assign a color grading from D to Z.

Near colorless:G、H、I、J
Very light:N、O、P、Q、R

The diagram clearly shows that diamonds below J grading display a visible yellow color. However, what does faint look like? Unfortunately, you’ll never know because ALUXE only offers diamonds above J grade, meaning high quality GIA diamonds that are nearly colorless or colorless!


Every diamond is bound to contain inclusions such as minerals or cracks. However, the majority of inclusions within diamonds cannot be observed by the naked eye which is why graders utilize 10X magnification to categorize the size, number, location, natural factors, color, and noticeability of surface characteristics (blemishes) and internal characteristics (inclusions).

As inclusions affect light refraction by potentially blocking or deflecting light, the clarity of inclusions is also a key characteristic when grading diamonds. Common inclusions include… The clarity of diamonds can be categorized into 11 grades; ALUXE categorizes them into the two categories of being visible and invisible to the naked eye:


Blemishes invisible to the naked eye:
IF:Internally flawless
VVS1/VVS2:Very, very slightly included
VS1/VS2:Very slightly included
SI1:Slightly included
Blemishes visible to the naked eye:
I1:Obvious inclusions visible to the naked eye
I2:Very obvious inclusions clearly visible to the naked eye, potentially affecting the diamond’s durability
I3:Very obvious inclusions clearly visible to the naked eye, severely affecting the diamond’s durability


Among the 4Cs, carat is the one most people are familiar with. Carat is the unit weight of diamonds with 1 carat being equivalent to 200 milligrams, or 100 points. In general, most people select diamond rings between 30-50 points as they are large enough to be visible and priced within reach. If there are budget constraints, these are also highly viable options!


A diamond’s cut is the only factor of the 4Cs that can be artificially manipulated. The primary reason for a diamond’s brilliance is due to optical phenomena such as refraction and dispersion of light; the refraction angle of a diamond is affected by the depth of a diamond’s cut. Generally speaking, the most basic cutting method is Round Brilliant; furthermore, a diamond’s cut also differs in style due to varying facet shapes, quantity, and their arrangement.
The 5 Grades of Diamond Cuts:
EX : Perfect refraction of all light entering the diamond, an extremely rare and perfect diamond
VG :Sparkle and brightness refracted are similar to those of an ideal cut
G :Most light and sparkle entering the diamond can be refracted
F :Fair grade diamonds
P :Diamonds that fail to meet the “fair” cutting standard

ALUXE does not provide diamonds below the Good (G) cutting grade. In addition, we offer the exclusive ALUXE perfect diamond cut (PF) which accounts for 1% of existing diamonds, making them the rarest, most perfect diamonds in the market!

After reading the detailed introduction on the 4Cs of diamonds, do you have a clearer understanding of the standards for diamonds? Actually, it's okay if you still find it confusing. The diamonds at ALUXE are all accompanied by GIA diamond grading reports, so you can reassure to purchase diamond products at ALUXE!
ALUXE offers a convenient query displaying GIA 0.3-1 carat diamond prices that provides a transparent understanding of diamond pricing. We also offer comprehensive services such as a wide selection of diamond engagement rings(proposal rings) as well as diamond ring rental services.